Heads Or Tails Game Online

Heads or Tails?

  1. Heads Or Tails Game Similar Games
  2. Sobe Heads Or Tails Game
  3. Heads Or Tails Game Online
  4. Heads Or Tails Kids Game

In this partnered game, children will flip a penny and collect points, depending on whether the penny lands heads up or tails up.

Lesson for:

(See Step 5: Adapt lesson for toddlers or preschoolers.)

Content Area:

Data Analysis and Probability

Learning Goals:

This lesson will help toddlers and preschoolers meet the following educational standards:

  • Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize and display relevant data to answer these questions
  • Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data

Learning Targets:

This form allows you to flip virtual coins. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs. It is not always easy to decide what is heads and tails on a given coin. Numismatics (the scientific study of money) defines the obverse and reverse of a coin rather than heads and tails. Heads and Tails Game Review. Heads or tails is a game designed by BGaming. It is fairly self-explanatory as most of us are all familiar with the age-old game of flipping a coin to decide an outcome. Although heads or tails is a simple game to play, it has to be said that BGaming has done a fantastic job with the design of this game.

After this lesson, toddlers and preschoolers should be more proficient at:

  • Sorting and classifying objects according to their attributes and organizing data about objects
  • Discussing events related to students’ experiences as likely or unlikely

Step 1: Gather materials.

  • Pennies
  • Recording Sheet (download here)

Note: Small parts pose a choking hazard and are not appropriate for children age five or under. Be sure to choose lesson materials that meet safety requirements.

Step 2: Introduce activity.

  1. Demonstrate flipping a coin and calling heads or tails before the coin lands.
  2. Play a quick game of Heads or Tails before explaining probability and how partners can play the game. Ask all of the children to stand in a circle around you as you flip the coin. Ask how many children think the coin will land heads up. Those children will sit down after the coin is flipped and the children who thought that the coin would land tails up will stay standing. Play this game several times.
  3. Introduce probability: the chance that something is going to happen. Explain to the children that they are going to explore the concept of probability by flipping a coin and collecting the data.
  4. Ask the children whether or not they can control which side of the coin lands face up. When they answer, ask: Why or why not? Say: “Heads or Tails is a game of chance. When you play the game, you are going to guess which side will probably land face up. That’s called probability.”
  5. Give the children examples of probability in real-life scenarios. (e.g.,“The weather man said it will probably rain today, but it may not.”)

Step 3: Engage children in lesson activities.

  1. Explain that the game will be played in pairs, and that one player will be heads and one player will be tails. Say: “You will play two rounds with 10 penny tosses. You will each get a chance to be heads and you will also get a chance to be tails.”
  2. Explain the recording sheet. Say: “Player 1 will go first. Before the first roll, Player 1 will decide if he/she wants heads up or tails up. Let’s say Player 1 calls heads. If the penny lands heads up, Player 1 gets a point and records the point in the Player 1 column. If the penny lands tails up, Player 2 gets a point and records it in the Player 2 column.” Show the children the exact columns that you are referring to as you explain the directions. You may want to model a couple of rounds so that the children will get the idea of Player 1 playing for 10 coin tosses and then Player 2 taking his/her turn.
  3. When the children are done playing, ask who won each game. Say: “Did you think it was a fair game? Why or why not? Do you think you need practice to get better at this game? Why or why not?”

Additional Extensions

  • Play with two coins. Again, the player calls either heads up or tails up. Both coins need to land on the side the player calls in order for the player to receive a point. If both coins land on the opposite sides, then the other player gets a point. If the two coins land on heads and tails, no one gets a point.

Step 4: Vocabulary.

  • Probability: The chance that something is going to happen (e.g.,”What is the probability that the coin will land heads up?”)

Step 5: Adapt lesson for toddlers or preschoolers.

Adapt Lesson for Toddlers
Toddlers may:
  • Not yet grasp the concept of probability
  • Need help taking turns
  • Need the game simplified
Child care providers may:
  • Adapt the game to a one-player game. Have just one child count the number of times that the coin lands heads up. As the children begin to understand the concept of probability, add tails upas a counting option as well.
Adapt Lesson for Preschoolers
Preschoolers may:
Heads Or Tails Game Online
  • Be able to increase their knowledge of probability by adding another variable into the game
Child care providers may:
  • Play with two coins. Again, the player calls either heads or tails. Both coins need to land on the side that the player calls in order for the player to receive a point. If both coins land on the opposite sides, the other player gets a point. If the two coins land on head and tails, no one gets a point.

Suggested Books

  • That’s a Possibility! A Book About What Might Happenby Bruce Goldstone (New York: Henry Holt and Co, 2013)
  • Do You Wanna Bet? Your Chance to Find Out About Probabilityby Jean Cushman (New York: HMH Books for Young Readers, 2007)
  • A Very Improbable Story: A Math Adventure by Edward Finhorn (Boston, MA: Charlesbridge Publishing, 2008)

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Heads Or Tails Game Similar Games

Do you need to flip a coin?

We all do sometimes and most people no longer carry coin or paper money on their persons. That’s when this handy web app comes into play. It allows you to flip a digital coin any time you like. It’s free to use and always generates a random outcome. You can be sure that your coin flip will not be biased in any way!

Sobe Heads Or Tails Game

Why would you need to flip a coin? You might need to make a tough decision and can’t decide which of two options to choose from. So you can assign one option to be the head side of the coin, and set the other option to be tails. Then, you flip the coin and go with the solution that is randomly provided.

Heads Or Tails Game Online

Coin flips can also be used to settle arguments. For instance, two people may be debating which of their two favorite restaurants to eat at. One restaurant could be represented by heads and the other tails. Flip the coin, note if it lands on heads or tails, and then, go with the assigned option. This takes the guesswork out of the decision making process and makes taking a definitive action simpler.


Heads Or Tails Kids Game

It is very easy to flip the coins here.

Just choose whether you want to flip the Russian ruble, pound sterling, or euro. Click the coin you want to flip and the app will redirect you to the flipping page. You will be shown the head and the tail of the coin toward the bottom of the page. That way, you are sure which is which before you flip.

Then, click on the “Toss the Coin” button and the coin will begin spinning. It will stop flipping and rest on either heads or tails. That’s it. Coin flipped!

You can flip the coins as many times as you would like to. You can flip different coins too. If you want to change coins, just click on the “Change the Currency” button to be taken back to the selection page. It’s easy, fun, and fast!