How To Play Freya

It’s not often that a voice can truly move you beyond words. Freya Ridings is a rare exception, boasting a soul-stirring tone and a collection of poignant songs that resonate with many. Perfectly capturing the essence of a broken heart within her music, the 23 year-old from North London has already caused a stir within her industry, gaining nearly 1.5 million monthly listeners on Spotify (did she buy Spotify streamsto reach that many listeners?) and she also reached over 19 million streams for her beautiful song ‘Lost Without You’. These impressive numbers are no fluke; Freya’s musical talent is undeniable, it’s no wonder her audience is growing by the minute.

I spoke with Freya while she was in Sweden just before a live show. Her upbeat demeanour immediately came across over the phone as we greeted each other. “It’s sunny in Sweden at the moment, we’re so lucky!” were the words that bounded out of my loudspeaker enthusiastically.

I was eager to hear how Freya first got into music, curious to know whether it was a right fit from the start. “Well my dad plays guitar and writes songs, just for the love of it, and my mum plays piano and harp so I used to see them playing when I was younger. As a kid I thought that you were supposed to play and write songs, and that’s just kind of what you did.”

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  2. Freya is a strong and passionate Goddess; She empowers the womyn who seek Her. She is the essence of sexuality. Even though, She is perceived as utterly promiscuous, the womyn who open their hearts to Her understand the deeper meaning of Her divine nature.

She laughed, “I’m quite a rebel so I said for a long time I wouldn’t do it, but my dad was away working and I stole his guitar, I must have been about nine years old, and it just sort of spiralled from there.”

Her musical background has stood Freya in good stead, with her spell-binding piano playing serving as the perfect accompaniment to her evocative voice. As she explained, piano played a vital role in her early life throughout education as well, “I was really very dyslexic at school so I really struggled academically, but once I found out that you could read music by ear and that you didn’t have to learn how to read it, everything changed.”

Despite this revelation, there were still obstacles for her, “Basically my teachers really struggled to teach me how to read music, they were like, ‘You can’t really play it if you can’t read the music.’ and I was like, ‘If you show me, I can.’ but they just refused and told me that it didn’t work that way, so I just had to make up my own songs because I didn’t have any others to play.”

This introduction to songwriting may have been less than ideal at the time, but Freya’s determination to continue with her music despite the challenges really shows her true sense of character. This early display of strength and resolve could partly be thanks to the type of artists Freya was listening to, “Growing up, I had a poster of Florence (Welch) on one wall, and on the other wall I had a poster of Beyoncé. I was definitely inspired by really strong female singers; Carole King is another favourite of mine.”

Hello, and welcome to my first guide. This guide will teach you the methods and tactics I use in-game to succeed when playing Freya, The Eye Of The Storm. I am a Chilean player who lives & studies in London, UK. I have been playing Battlerite since the Beta and Freya has helped me to climb through the different ranks till Grade 11 at the moment.

When asked about whether there was a particular moment when singing went from being purely a passion of hers, to potentially becoming a career, Freya answered, “I went to play an open mic night at my school when I was about 11 or 12 years old. It was actually only supposed to be for the sixth form kids, but I was so tall that no one knew that I was still in secondary school, which was funny.” she laughs, “So I sort of snuck in and I played some of the songs I’d been writing at home, and I dunno, it was one of those light bulb moments where you’re like, ‘Yep, I’ve found my thing!’”

Listening to how Freya got into music, I couldn’t help but feel that it was meant to be. She also tells me that her writing process is pretty organic, explaining that, “Normally it’s when you’re sitting at a piano and you know that no-one can hear you, that’s when the writing flows more and the songs kind of come out.”

Freya has a preference for recording live albums, with her first one recorded during a show at St Pancras Old Church in 2017, and the second album released this year and recorded live at Omeara in London. As she explains to me, “My favourite part of playing live is the energy of the room, when you can feel it. It’s like a living thing.” She also tells me that her venue preference is churches, “I just think they’re really sort of magical, I don’t know if it’s the reverb. I’m not religious in any way, but it’s quite an emotional, spiritual sort of thing. I’m so lucky that I’ve got to sing in so many.”

Within the past year, Freya’s audience grew substantially after the release of her song ‘Lost Without You’, which has received nearly 20 million plays on Spotify, “I don’t think of it as real! It’s like when people actually show up to the shows and sing along with you, that’s the moment when you’re like ‘Oh my god, you’ve actually heard this before?!’ But I was so used to playing at a gig where no one would know you or any of your songs – you’d have to kind of bring your A-game and try and win them round. It’s just such a different thing turning up and people already being on your side, it’s such a lovely experience, especially in countries you’ve never been to.”

Freya’s UK tour starts in October, with things kicking off in Shepherd’s Bush, “I’ve never done a tour of this size and that’s really exciting because it’s not just the main cities, I’m getting to play in cities that I’ve never been to before….it’s amazing, especially on home ground. It’s just a really lovely surprise that people want to sell-out the venues.”

“The more brave that I’ve been in sharing who I really am, the more people have sort of come closer. I’m just really excited to explore that more, I want to reach out and do even more to connect with people.” Her final comments are humble and heartfelt. This sentiment seems as applicable to the music industry as it does to life in general. I for one am extremely excited to see the inevitable rise of Freya Ridings.

For tickets to Freya’s live shows, click here.

Freya is the Norse goddess of everything feminine: love, beauty, sex, fertility, and gold. However, she was also at times associated with war and death. Her name translates to “(the) Lady.”



The daughter of Njord, the sea god, and an unnamed mother, Freya was born into the Vanir tribe of gods, but she later became an honorary member of the Aesir gods. Her brother was Freyr and her husband Odr, with whom she had two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi. Her brother Freyr, is associated with fine weather and good fortune, and also said to be an ancestor of Swedish royalty.

In late Old Norse literature, Odr and Odin, the father of the gods, are most likely the same person. Many theories supported by literary sources would, therefore, also have it that Freya and Frigg, Odin’s wife, are ultimately identical.


The most common symbol associated with Freya is the Brisingamen Necklace – a necklace that sparkled and shined so beautiful that Freya was willing to go to extreme lengths to have it.

Legend states that one night, Freya wandered into the land of the Dwarfs. There, she saw four of them making the most beautiful golden necklace. She told them that she would pay them any amount of gold and silver for it.

However, the Dwarfs were not interested in money. They told Freya that the only way they would give her the Brisingamen was if she would sleep with each one of them. Freya loathed the idea of sleeping with the hideous Dwarfs, but her desire burned so strongly for the Brisingamen that she agreed to their demands. After four nights of sleeping with each one, they made good on their deal, and gave it to her.

Freya in the Dwarfs’ Cave. The Heroes of Asgard : Tales from Scandinavian Mythology. Illustrated by Charles Huard.

Another symbol Freya is associated with is her golden chariot pulled by two blue cats, a gift from Thor. Sometimes she also rode the boar Hildisvini, who was her faithful companion.

Powers & Duties

Freya is the Norse goddess of love, sex and fertility. As the goddess of love and sex, Freya was sought after by prominent Jotnar, the giant gods who were constantly at war with the Aesir. The Jotnar wanted her hand in marriage.

It is also believed that Freya was the first to bring the art of seidr, a type of sorcery practiced during the Late Scandinavian Iron Age, to the gods. She had the knowledge and power to control others’ good fortune and desires.

Another privilege Freya had was that she chose the first half of the warriors killed in battle to stay in her afterlife realm Folkvang. Odin received the other half in Valhalla, his palatial home.


The similarities between Freya and Frigg run deep. Both were accused of infidelity by Loki, the trickster god. In a poem in the Poetic Edda, he even accused Freya of sleeping with her brother. Similarly, legend has it that Frigg slept with Odin’s brothers, Vili and Ve.

The infidelity supposedly took place when Odin or Odr was away. Odin was known to travel far and wide within the Nine Worlds of Norse cosmology. Freya is said to have cried tears of red gold over her husband’s absence. Despite her infidelity, she searched for him wearing her magical feathered cloak, which allowed her to cover big distances quickly in the air.

Facts About Freya

  • The Brisingamen was also later stolen by Loki and recovered by Heimdall, watchman of the gods;
  • It is unclear whether the weekday Friday was named after Freya or Frigg. One theory has it that the word for “Friday” in Germanic languages comes from Frija, a Proto-Germanic goddess who was the foremother of Freya and Frigg;
  • Freya had four nicknames: Hörn, Syr, Gefn, and Mardöll;
  • Freya allowed other gods to borrow her magical feathered cloak;
  • In Old Norse literature, Freya is mentioned in the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda;
  • Freya’s brother Freyr is associated with fine weather and good fortune. He is also said to be an ancestor of Swedish royalty;
  • In her role as sorcerer or shaman practicing pre-Christian Norse magic, Freya’s social status changed dramatically depending on where she was and whom she was with;
  • In rural Scandinavia, Freya was thought to be a supernatural figure until the 19th century;
  • Freya, or a variant of the name, is still a popular name for girls in Scandinavian countries. Alone in Norway around 500 women have the first name Frøya;
  • Numerous places in Sweden bear Freya’s name. Many of them, including Freyjulundr, which refers to her sacred grove, are in Uppland;
  • In Denmark, Freya is mentioned in the first stanza of the national anthem. The line goes like this: “… it is called old Denmark and it is Freja’s hall”;
  • Various plants were named after Freya, including Freya’s hair (Polygala vulgaris). However, most were replaced with the name of the Virgin Mary during the process of Christianization;
  • Freya has been compared with the Egyptian goddess Isis and the Greek goddesses Aphrodite and Venus;
  • Wagner included Freya in his famous opera cycle The Ring;
  • Freya has been depicted in several famous works of art, including the statue Freyja by H.E. Freund (1821-1822) and the painting Freyja and the Brisingamen by J. Doyle Penrose (1862-1932).

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How To Play Freya

Link will appear as Freya: - Gods & Goddesses, February 23, 2021