Three Kings Game

Three Kings Game
  1. Three Kings Game Scary Shane Dawson
  2. Three Kings Game

Kings (also known as king's cup, donut, jug oval, circle of death and ring of fire) is a drinking game that uses playing cards. The player must drink and dispense drinks based on cards drawn. Each card has a rule that is predetermined before the game starts. Often groups establish house rules with their own variation of rules. Matthew 2:1-12 tells the story of The Three Kings, also known as the Three Wise Men. Enjoy the season and this part of the Christmas story with some fun Christmas activities, even if you think you don't have time. Put hectic demands aside for now, and enjoy your time, and gaze into those bright little eyes of your biggest joy of the season.

Three Kings Game
We use very inexpensive figures of the wisemen (my most recent kings were from the dollar store) or you could draw or have a child draw the kings, or use 3 big fancy buttons that fell from the wisemen's cloaks.

Three Kings Game Scary Shane Dawson

Three Kings Game

Each night before bedtime, or after the kitchen is cleaned up from dinner etc., have someone in the family hide the 3 wisemen. We start in a room in the house that is farthest away from the nativity set. The wisemen are hidden, the children find them and that is all there is to it, but for some reason children love doing this. The next night someone else hides them and they are moved a little bit closer to the nativity, eventually going through most of the rooms in the house until on Christmas they finally find the Christ child.