White Rabbit In Dream

  • Dreaming about a white rabbit is a good dream, especially for those who are living a great romance. Know that this dream indicates fidelity in love and to maintain that you must also maintain stability. Happiness will reign between the two.
  • I had a dream that me and this nanny were looking after two kids, they had a pet white rabbit and they were walking outside their house with the rabbit, then the white rabbit runs off too the middle of the road and a car comes and drives over the bunnyonly that when the car drives off their is a dead BLACK rabbit with its head decappatated and severed off. I was so shocked, idk what.

Meaning Of Rabbits In A Dream

A white thread in a dream represents the dawn and a black thread in a dream represents the night. If one sees his cheeks radiant white in a dream, it means honor, bounty, or it could mean achieving a high rank in one's community. Unknown white or green tents in a camp in a dream represent the graves of martyrs.


White Rabbit In Dream

Dreaming of rabbits indicates favorable changes in life. For people who manage business, this dream indicates lawful earnings. White rabbits, for single people, indicate upcoming satisfactions, and for women it hints promises of love. For married people it indicates peace at home. Dreaming of being surrounded by rabbits that run happily suggests that children will bring happiness to the home. Dreaming of a rabbit that is fleeing insinuates that there is a risk of mysteriously losing valuable objects, but that the dreamer will be able to recuperate everything. Dreaming of making a good luck charm with the leg of a rabbit reveals naivety or superstition in the dreamer. Dreaming of people being chased by a rabbit indicates that the dreamer will have difficulties with friendships. Dreaming of shooting or hitting a rabbit hints that all that energy should be applied against others who are creating problems for the dreamer….