Craps System That Works

All systems work except when they don't #3. Harley, Feb 24, 2016. Craps Poopshoot likes this. Ok, but your first sentence brought up 'beating the game of craps.

  1. Craps Betting Systems That Work
  2. Blackjack System That Works
  3. New Craps System
  4. 6 8 Craps System
  1. Not only do betting systems fail to beat casino games with a house advantage, they can’t even dent it. Roulette balls and dice simply have no memory. Every spin in roulette and every toss in craps is independent of all past events. In the short run, you can fool yourself into thinking a betting system works, by risking a lot to win a little.
  2. 4 Proven Betting Systems That Work. I remember when I first started searching for a proven betting system googling the term “ betting systems.” There was all sorts of progressive staking systems, martingale systems, stop at a winner systems, progressive laying systems.The fact was though that none of these betting systems held up to any long term analysis and would normally blow your bank.
  3. The Rothstein System. Some older craps players may recognize this as the same system as the Martingale system. This system of betting works by betting one unit on the pass line or don’t pass line. If the player wins, they are up one unit and are betting one unit the next time. If they lose, then they must double their bet and add one unit.

During my years of playing craps in the casinos, I've had the opportunity to watch and learn from a few successful dice players - the guys who almost always know when, where and how to bet - never relying on a hunch, whim or 'luck'.

I have conducted research on just about every craps strategy, system and method ever devised. Can a player recognize a dice pattern and use it to his advantage? Can he exploit the table layout to reduce the chance of a loss? Of course, it helps to play at the best online craps casinoslike the ones shown here. Now I'm ready to reveal what I have discovered about the game. You will now know what to do on each and every roll of the dice for maximum profits.

I am offering my strategy secrets of beating the game to you risk-free.
I GUARANTEE THAT YOU WIN, or these proven money makers cost you nothing... not one red cent!

What Players Are Saying:

' THANKS!!! Your systems are very clever and scientific ..... I've won quite a lot on all of them...Great! ' Steve W. Horley, Surrey, United Kingdom
' Hi Richard, ...thank you again for sharing it. I bet the Field Bet with your progression method and won 270 units. Once again, Thanks! ' Robert Patterson
' I won $1000 in one hour playing the basic Craps system that you included in the packet. Thanks, ' Bob A. Florida
' DearMr. Graham,I use your World's Safest System, and I think it is the best ever gambling system in the world (I have researched quite a few in the past).I won so much money using the first part of this system.' Arthur Papikian Moscow, RussiaREAD MORE


The $200 an Hour System

Here is a simple craps strategy that takes no skill, and only 2 of the same bets each time you play. Hot and cold cycles occur in craps like no other casino game. This strategy was developed specifically to exploit those patterns. You will recognize a hot table and how to play a hot table for maximum profit.

The writer of this method has never failed to make at least $200 per hour using this strategy. Now, with this report, you can do the same at any dice table anywhere in the world! Click Here to place your order and get access to this insider information now.

The 'Insiders' Craps System

This craps strategy has been kept within the inner circle of casino bangers for years - under a mutual gentlemen's agreement. We tried the Insiders Craps System on randomized computer print-outs and couldn't come close to losing through 8000 decisions! (Think how long you would have to stand at the tables for 8000 decisions.) We tried it at several casinos in Atlantic City, Vegas, Reno and Tahoe. The damned thing just would not lose!

With this system:
You won't care if the tables are hot or cold... you still win with this super craps strategy! A new shooter can throw 3 or 4 or more craps in a row and you win! A new shooter can throw 3 or 4 or more sevens in a row and you still win! A new shooter rolls a point, and sevens out on the next roll. Shooter after shooter can do this, and you still win! A shooter can throw 14 passes, or more or less, in a row, and you still win! A bunch of players in a row, can seven out after any amount of numbers, and you still win!

Read this report and you'll find out that there is absolutely no roll of the dice that can hurt you with this system! Click Here to place your order and get access to this insider information now.

Win-On-Every-Play System

Want to collect on every roll of the dice? Here is how to do it with 4 easy bets. Follow this method exactly and you'll go home a winner everyday! It's not complicated and you don't need a large bankroll to make this work.

Don't roll the dice until you read this report and learn how to win with this great craps strategy. Click Here to place your order and get access to this insider information now.

World's Safest System

The perfect craps strategy for the conservative player, that has the required patience to grind out about $30 an hour, more or less.

This safe, and sound craps system is revealed in detail in this complete report and requires only two simple bets.

Click Here to place your order and get access to this insider information now.

100% Protection System

With this craps strategy, you won't care if the shooter wins or loses, because you win either way.

The method revealed in this report requires a basic knowledge of the game, but can definitely make you a winner! Click Here to place your order and get access to this insider information now.

' Richard, As far as my winnings with this system [100% Protection System]: About $150-$200 per session of 45 minutes to an hour. I am impressed with the results.'
Scott Zecher
' Your craps system really's great. WORLD'S SAFEST SYSTEM (it's the best) It's a slow but steady grind, but I have NEVER left the tables a loser. Thanks a million!
Roger Gibson
' I have been testing the $200 an Hour System against my Craps Tester book.
It's doing very well on all kinds of tables. Thanks.
' Bob Alberto, Manchester, NH
' I have been a pro gambler for three years now. Thank you very much for your simple but very effective system.' N. Lewis, Melbourne Australia READ MORE

For the past ten years I’ve been traveling the country, having conversations with the world’s greatest gamblers. It has taken me to almost every casino in the nation. Everywhere I go, I find the same thing---a few consistent winners. Sadly, though, the vast majority of people don’t have the knowledge necessary to be a real winner. Everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve taken the time to have lunch or dinner with the real winners of their game. I asked them all the same question: “What are you doing differently? What makes you successful, when so many others fail?” The answers they gave me became the foundation of my research.

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What Players Are SayingE-MailDisclaimer© 2020 Richard Graham

Craps Strategy

What really works?

'The very essence of instinct is that it's

followed independently of reason.'

-Charles Darwin

~ ~

'Believe nothing merely because you have been told it... But whatsoever, after due examination and
analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings - that doctrine believe and cling to and take as your guide.'

-Buddhist aphorism

Dice does not necessarily endorse or suggest that you use these methods.Compare, contrast, decide.

Please understand that you are not the first dice player to pursue some unknown, yet to be discovered method for winning. Our intention for sharing these methods is for your information and to help you become better educated about all the many ways for playing the game of craps. After all, there are countless ways of playing craps and it is our hope that after researching the free information contained here at, you will find a way of playing craps that best suits you and your style of play.
Craps is a hugely popular game, from the big casinos in Vegas, to the online options that gamblers now have on casino websites. There are plenty of methods and strategies that people use. We've listed these below so you can educate yourself and find out what you're happy with.

Which ever method you decide to focus on you'll soon see your results on the craps table improving. Although, it is recomended here that you first try out your method of choice, by practicing at home, before risking money in a live game.
Here you'll find a compilation of strategies from various resources. For every strategy (or system) listed, there are numerous variations, but these will give you a good base to help you recognize the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. A lot of systems look good on paper and play horribly in a real game. One factor for your consideration has to do with understanding the craps odds. Your assignment is to scrutinize any system and find all the reasons why they could work. But most importantly, you must find all the weak links to a system and avoid systems that are simply 'Paper Tigers'.

When it comes to craps, every crapshooter has some sure fired system for winning. We encourage careful scrutiny of the logistical basis for any system that you pursue.
The systems below are listed only to familiarize you with some of the possibilities invented for the game. It's up to you to study, apply and test the results for yourself. There are so many different ways of playing. The purpose here is to show the reader just a few examples of the many approaches to playing the game.

No method of play works all of the time. In the end, what you are looking for is a method that is consistently successful, that can be applied to several conditions, and is not so complicated that you cannot understand the merits of the strategy. In a game with odds guaranteeing that you will be separated from your money, you will want to employ the best strategy for playing craps. What is the best strategy? One that has the least exposure to your bankroll, having the least risk with the odds, and one that returns the most bang for your dollar investment. Maybe you should be Playing 4 Keeps.

Keep reading the information found on this website, subscribe to the Dice Setter newsletter and check out the articles found at Your Instructors.

Twenty-four Examples of Craps Betting Strategies

1. Classic Regression13. 34 Inside
2. 3 Point Molly 14. Iron Cross
3. Anything But 7 15. No 4 or No 10
4. Craig's #1 Method 16. The Bdalt System
5. Bet On the 7 17. The Patrick System
6. The Safest Bet? 18. Perry B's Don't Pass Stepladder
7. Progress/Regress 19. Professor H's Don't Pass
8. The 5 Count 20. Mad Professor's Playbook
9. The Hedge Hog 21. Can't Lose After the Come Out
10. CPR 22. Heavy's Playbook
11. The Put Bet 23. At the Dark End of the Street
12.Anything But 7 modified 24. The Krigman Come Martingale

Craps Betting Systems That Work

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